If you’re currently attending weekly drop-in classes but want more, you might enjoy Foundation Program (FP). The Foundation Program gives you the opportunity to deepen your understanding and experience through engaging in a structured study and meditation program on the essential teachings of the Buddhist spiritual path.
The classes include teachings from our Resident Teacher, meditation, chanted prayers, memorization, and discussion.
We will be beginning to study the book Universal Compassion the following Sunday. You’re welcome to attend up to 3 classes at no cost before deciding to enroll.
There is more information about FP here.
To RSVP: Click Here!
Inspiration from our Founder, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche:
“These programs [the Foundation Program and the Teacher Training Program], therefore, are real wishfulfilling jewels for Dharma practitioners. By participating in them we can improve our wisdom and Dharma experience and use Dharma to solve our daily problems. We can become our own protector by protecting ourselves from danger and suffering, and our own doctor by curing our mental pain with Dharma medicine. We shall be able to set a good example for others to follow and help others by giving teachings and advice. Eventually we will be able to give extensive teachings and benefit others in many ways by organizing special programs and so forth. In this way we will make both our own and others’ human lives extremely meaningful.”
To RSVP: Click Here!
Cost: Free
About the Teacher:
Gen Kelsang Chogden is a Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Maryland.
Gen Chogden has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 1998 under Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who gave her the title “Gen” indicating that she is a senior ordained teacher of the Kadampa Tradition.
Gen Chogden is well-loved for her warmth, kindness, and wisdom, which have come from her sincere and heartfelt practice of Kadam Dharma over many years.
Her teachings are always practical and easy to apply to everyday life. Through her gentle and joyful approach and her peaceful example, she has helped many people find true happiness in their hearts.