Where to Start
General Program classes (drop-in classes) are the best place to begin to become familiar with the teachings and meditations and decide if they resonate with you and your experiences. These classes are suitable for all levels of experience.
Saturday events are also a wonderful place to begin (see below).
General Program Classes
Current Weekly Class Offerings:
Sunday 10:30am Meditations for Daily Life, followed by our Sunday Social. Click here for details.
Thursday 6:30pm Meditations for Daily Life. Dinner is served before class in our World Peace Cafe. Click here for details.
Wednesday 5:30pm Meditation Class with Prayers for World Peace. This class includes guided meditations, a teaching, and prayers for world peace. Click here for class listings.
About General Program classes:
The general program meditation classes of KMC Maryland are suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators. People from all walks of life attend our classes – young and old, religious and atheist. Some simply want to learn how to meditate, and these classes are perfect for this purpose. Others want to learn more about Buddhism, and the classes are perfect for this too. Everyone is welcome!
Classes run for 30 minutes up to 1 hour and 15 minutes. We meditate sitting on chairs to ensure that everyone is comfortable, and floor cushions are available at our main center if desired. There is no physical exercise involved.
The general structure of classes that are 1 hour or more:
A brief introduction
A brief guided breathing meditation to prepare your mind for teachings and meditation
Practical teaching on how to solve problems in daily life and develop and maintain inner peace
A longer meditation to further deepen your experience of the topic and familiarize your mind with it
After the class everyone is welcome to stay after for conversation or questions
Attending the class:
The general program class topics are organized as short, practical courses, usually 4-6 weeks long. You can attend the whole series or just attend the ones that appeal to you.
Saturday Special Events
On an almost monthly basis, we offer Meditation Retreats on various topics that address how we can ALL develop and maintain a peaceful mind and develop a peaceful life.
Topics include learning to Heal Our Past, Overcoming Fear of Death, learning to develop Patience, Love, Compassion or Wisdom, or How to Understand Our Mind and its impact on our happiness and suffering (just to name a few) — see “Classes & Retreats” on our main-page menu for upcoming retreats. These are a wonderful place to start and offer a deeper experience of one topic — with several sessions; each session offering both teaching and meditation on the day’s topic.
What You’ll Need
There is no special dress code. Just come as you are. We provide chairs and floor cushions.