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The Empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni: How to Live as a Modern Buddhist

  • Kadampa Meditation Center Maryland (map)

To Register: Click Here!

The enlightened mind is said to be like a boundless deep ocean, every drop of which has the power to bring inner peace to living beings. Receiving an empowerment is like connecting with this ocean-like potential inside our own mind, giving us the courage and wisdom to begin to realize our own Buddha nature.

In this empowerment, which is a guided meditation, we will have the opportunity to make a lasting and deeply meaningful connection with Buddha Shakyamuni.

Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, appeared in this world in 624BC, and gave teachings, known as Dharma, to help relieve the mental pain of living beings.  This empowerment will open the door to the profound methods of inner transformation that Buddha taught and will allow us to receive his inspiring blessings. The empowerment will be granted by Kadampa Buddhist nun, Gen Kelsang Chogden.

The program is suitable for everyone and will also include guided meditations and teachings on how to live as a Modern Buddhist. Learn methods that combine Buddha's ancient wisdom with our contemporary and busy world so we can find practical solutions to our everyday problems.

To Register: Click Here!

Cost:  $65 for whole weekend ($60 for early registration by April 19th, students, seniors 62+, and unemployed)

$55 for Saturday only ($50 for early registration by April 19th, students, seniors 62+, and unemployed)

Free for Benefactor Level Members.

Includes Saturday lunch.



Empowerment: 10am - 12pm (note:  please arrive by 9:45am)

Group Picture:  12-12:15pm

Lunch will be served

Commentary: 2-3:30 pm

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog offerings: 4:15-5:30pm


Retreat Session 1: 1:30 - 2:45pm

Retreat Session 2: 3:15pm -4:45pm, including Q&A time

About the Teacher: Gen Kelsang Chogden

Gen Kelsang Chogden is a Buddhist nun and Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Maryland.

Gen Chogden has been practicing Kadampa Buddhism since 1998 under Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, who gave her the title “Gen” indicating that she is a senior ordained teacher of the Kadampa Tradition.

She is well-loved for her warmth, kindness, and wisdom, which have come from her sincere and heartfelt practice of Kadam Dharma over many years.

Her teachings are always practical and easy to apply to everyday life. Through her gentle and joyful approach and her peaceful example, she has helped many people find true happiness in their hearts.

April 24

Meditations for Modern Life

April 27

Children’s Meditation Class